
Directed by Edgardo Cozarinsky


68 Mostra internazionale d´arte cinematográfica
La biennale di Venezzia 2011

A Man drives around Buenos Aires by night after waiting in vain for the return of a woman who has left him. During his aimless wandering, his inner thoughts take the form of poetry, illuminating the chance encounters and what his imagination makes of the situatios he witnesses. He metes all kind og night creatures, out of life or from fiction remembered: Loners, thieves, fugitives, homeless, suicides, lovers, and the ghost of the woman he sall not see again. In the early hours of the morning, an old poet reminisces about memory and its use of the past.
The poetry of Baudelaire, Holderlin, Novalies, Gottfried Benn, Kavafis, Robert Frost and others is woven in the soundtrack with the music of Ulises Conti to create a verbal and musical score which is an essential element of the film, as much as the many conflicting aspects of Buenos Aires by night.